Mileage Log

Mileages are important for any business that relies on vehicles for transportation. Tracking them helps you keep track of your expenses and saves you money. You can also use the information to improve operations and increase productivity.

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Daily Mileage

With the Daily Mileage feature, the driver is required to input the starting odometer of the vehicle and ending odometer value in the app in the beginning and end of the day. Using this feature, you can easily monitor how many miles each vehicle drives per day, helping you to better plan out maintenance schedules, fuel consumption, and other important aspects of running a business. This can also be obtained with telematics integration of connected assets.

Trip logging

Using trip logging, your driver can log the start and end of a trip. He can additionally add any expenses incurred, fill-ups, income and receipt if any in the trip detail.

Increase Fuel Efficiency

Businesses aren't required to track mileage for income tax purposes. However, the IRS allows businesses that do track mileage to claim a mileage deduction, and businesses can also claim actual expenses incurred from the business use of their vehicles, which helps them save money when tax time comes around.

Frequently Asked Questions

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What information can be logged with mileage in this software?

Simply Fleet’s mileage log feature lets you log trip details like date, driver, start and stop odometer reading, and notes in the comment section.

How does mileage logging work with multiple drivers?

Each driver can log their starting odometer reading upon taking the vehicle and their ending reading when they return. This ensures accurate individual mileage tracking.

How can I log mileage details in the Simply Fleet app?

There are two options: drivers can manually enter starting and ending odometer readings, or get access to telematics integration (with Geotab and Samsara) for automatic mileage tracking.

Does Simply Fleet offer reports based on mileage data?

Yes, Simply Fleet generates comprehensive reports summarizing mileage data by vehicle, asset group, driver, and date range.

Is there a mobile app for mileage logging?

Yes, the Simply Fleet mobile app allows drivers to easily log mileage and trip details on the go.

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